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Cold chain management is a vital part of any pharmaceutical or food distribution process. It is extremely important that all products reach the end-consumer in a fresh and viable condition, so that their nutrients and efficacy are maintained.


Safety, Sales, Cost and legal requirements are the pillars of any enterprise.


While it is a legal and moral obligation to keep all products under your control at, the optimal temperature, will it justify spending money on an IOT-based system?


Will an independent IOT-based system be handy if faced with a lawsuit or claim resulting from products preceded to be spoiled?


Here at Variable Watch, we strive to give you one of the best solutions on the market while still staying very competitive on the financial side

TempWatch, our IOT-based temperature monitor will give you regular updates of not only at what temperature your product is but also where it is at that point in time, utilizing its built-in Global Positioning System (GPS)


For more info, please look at our download section or contact us for a personal discussion




TempWatch is a wireless GSM Temperature Monitor with an external temperature probe and GSM App for alarm notification/escalation and acknowledgement. The wireless GSM(IoT) Temperature Data logger can be configured to take readings at set times, or when the temperature exceeds a configurable threshold. With the built in GSM connectivity, you can monitor this data from anywhere.

Demo Credentials for IOT portal.

Username: TempUser

Password: TempUser@1

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